Thursday, March 3, 2011

What's with the middle east?

Anytime I turn on the news, there's always something about the middle east and how it's about to get blow'ed up.  Why is it that all this corrupt government hoo ha happened in the middle east and not for instance, in canada?  What's your take?  In return if i get lots of comments, bin laden's hiding spot


  1. All them towel heads be crazy.

  2. There is simply a lot of corruption and change in the middle east. People's opinions have been stifled for a long time, and now they are finally starting to be able to voice them so change is beginning to happen. In my estimation things will start to slow down, but honestly, what do it know... haha

  3. Nice way to spam Stevie..or is it middle eastern-language?^_°

  4. it is because after Egypt they believe that the people are the ones that actually have the power which well they are. governments should listen to their people instead of being bastards and just thinking of themselves
